Pitchfest initiatives ready for scale

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Following its wildly successful Pitchfest, the PROV-ED Project will soon embark on a statewide tour to showcase the initiatives chosen for scale and spread across Queensland’s emergency departments.

The initiatives were selected under the PRO-moting Value-based care in Emergency Departments, or PROV-ED Project, following their successful presentation to the review panel at the Pitchfest (pictured below), held in May. PROV-ED is supporting the widespread implementation of established clinical redesign initiatives to improve value-based care of patients presenting to emergency departments right across the state.

pitchfest review panel stand in front of pitchfest logo on a large digital screen

PICTURED ABOVE (L-R): Jeffrey Reeves, Tanya Milburn, Emma Versluis, Prof. Louise Cullen, Laureen Hines, Dr Andrew Staib, P

Director Healthcare Improvement Unit Laureen Hines said the six initiatives have had proven impacts. ‘We know that clinicians across Queensland are doing some great work and knowing that outcomes have been seen in local settings means that they can be scaled and spread across emergency departments in Queensland.’

The chosen projects are:

  • The Blood Clock – eliminating O negative Blood Wastage (Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Metro North Hospital and Health Service)
  • Nurse Initiated X-Ray (NIX) (Logan Hospital, Metro South Hospital and Health Service)
  • Standardised and Safe Intubation Package (SSIP) (Gladstone Hospital, Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service)
  • Cannula Reduction in the Emergency Department Implementation Toolkit (CREDIT) (Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Metro North Hospital and Health Service)
  • Transforming Emergency Departments Towards Cultural Safety (TECS) (Cairns Hospital, Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service)
  • Pre-filled saline syringe (PreSS) (Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Metro North Hospital and Health Service)
  • ‘We are excited to see how these initiatives could be applied to different departments,’ Laureen said.

    Emergency Physician Prof. Louise Cullen, who is Co-Professional Lead for the PROV-ED Project said it would take the proven models to the next level. ‘Frontline clinicians know of opportunities that exist to improve the care we provide our patients in emergency departments, and many have developed specific strategies to do so within their local sites.’

    ‘Many of the clinically-led innovations deserve to be lifted from the sites of development to effect change across the state, realising the true benefit of these projects; for the benefit of patients, our departments and the Queensland Health service.’

    The PROV-ED team is now busy facilitating the adoption of these successful piloted initiatives by other hospitals via a series of PROV-ED Showcases. ‘The PROV-ED Showcase is the platform for us to lift up the six initiatives that have been chosen and promote these initiatives across all Queensland Health hospitals,’ Louise said.

    ‘We will go out to hospitals across Queensland to meet with key stakeholders and discuss the initiatives and choose which ones they feel meet the priorities of their department for implementation.’ ‘After they have chosen which initiatives they would like to implement, the PROV-ED Project team will work with and support the ED to help them implement the chosen initiatives, providing the expertise, knowledge and resources to help build the capacity for local clinical change.’

    The methodology is similar to that used by the Accelerated Chest pain Risk Evaluation (ACRE) Project for chest pain assessment in the ED across Queensland Health hospitals, which involves building local capacity for health service redesign and quality improvement.

    Clinical Excellence Queensland and the Queensland Emergency Department Strategic Advisory Panel (QEDSAP) are proud supporters the PROV-ED Project and its initiatives. For more information on PROV-ED visit the website.

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Last updated: 16 July 2019