2018 Partners in Prevention Forum

Initiative Type
Service Improvement
Last updated


The Partners in Prevention Forum brings together representatives primarily from Queensland Health and the Queensland Primary Health Networks. The forum is relevant for staff in decision-making roles and preventive health practitioners, including: Chief Executives, Executive Directors of Workforce, Directors of Public Health, Program Managers and other officers.

The forum is co-hosted by Dr Jeannette Young, Chief Health Officer and Deputy Director General, Prevention Division and Ms Lisa Davies Jones, Chief Executive, North West Hospital and Health Service.

The Preventive Health Branch within the Queensland Department of Health delivers the event, recognising the opportunity to enable effective preventive health activity across the health sector by providing the opportunity to connect, disseminate learnings and build capacity.  

Event organisers were successful in building on the momentum generated by the first forum held in 2017. Abstract submissions and attendance more than doubled in 2018, with 40 submissions received compared to 17 and 96 attendees compared to 40 in 2017. Evaluation results from the attendee survey showed an improvement in 2018 across all indicators including: intention to take future action, opportunities to network, and relevance to their work.

The second annual forum was held in Brisbane on 12 and 13 September 2018, attracting 96 attendees representing: HHSs; Department of Health; Office of the Minister for Health and Minister for Ambulance Services; Queensland Primary Health Networks (PHNs); and non-government organisations. A further 62 representatives joined the live webcast of the event.


Key dates
Aug 2018
Sep 2018
Implementation sites
Throughout Queensland.
The forum is a joint initiative between the Queensland Department of Health and Hospital and Health Services.


The two-day forum aims to identify and promote a range of prevention initiatives led by Queensland Hospital and Health Services (HHSs) and provides attendees with the opportunity to engage face to face with their health and wellbeing and cancer screening colleagues across the state.


  • The annual Partners in Prevention Forum provides an opportunity to share, learn and network, strengthening Queensland Health’s collective ability to prevent the development of chronic disease.
  • The event provides a unique opportunity for attendees to explore untapped partnerships and share knowledge and resources from a prevention perspective.


The first forum was held in June 2017 in Townsville. It was designed to actively contribute to the first direction under the Queensland Health Advancing health 2026 strategy, which acknowledges that improving the health of Queenslanders can be achieved through concerted action to promote healthy behaviours and reduce the risk of developing chronic disease.

Evaluation and Results

The forum evaluation survey was completed by 43 participants, achieving a 45 per cent response rate. Attendees of the 2017 and 2018 forums were given the same post event survey to complete. This allowed for the comparison of results across both years. Key feedback included:

  • Support and appreciation for the event is strong.
  • Overall feedback from the event was very positive.
  • The results show an improvement in attendee satisfaction in 2018, compared to 2017, in all areas of the evaluation, including: intention to take future action, opportunities to network, and relevance to the work of the attendees
  • Feedback showed that by showcasing the champions leading the way in prevention, it decreases the risk of isolation of those working in preventive health within Hospital and Health Services and improves motivation to drive change.

A detailed outcomes report is provided in the Resources section (below).

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Key contact

Michael Tilse
Director - Preventive Health Unit
Chief Health Officer Branch
(07) 3328 9231