Introduction of an Intrapartum Early Warning Tool

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The The Birthing Early Warning Tool (BEWT) tool involved bringing together all intrapartum maternal and fetal observations and clinical measurements onto one form including parameters which had been adjusted for intrapartum physiological changes. It included colour coded zones for observations and measurements that fell outside of the acceptable limits, with clear directions for escalation and action.

Key dates
Jun 2016
Jul 2017
Implementation sites
Rockhampton Maternity Unit


To improve access to clinical information.


Assists with a rapid assessment of the situation, as well as a better standard of communication when issues are escalated to them.


The BEWT tool was designed and implemented at Rockhampton Hospital maternity unit in 2016 following a number of serious clinical incidents, all of which identified issues in recognition and responding to the deterioration clinical situation.

Evaluation and Results

Clinical audit had demonstrated a significant reduction in clinical incidents related to recognition and response to the deteriorating patient and a marked improvement in the standard of documentation regarding escalation, particularly in the use of ISBAR in communicating concerns.

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Key contact

Sue Foyle
Director of Nursing and Midwifery, Rockhampton Hospital
Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service
(07) 3867 6209

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