Queensland Trauma Education Program

Initiative Type
Service Improvement
Last updated


Traumatic events are a common cause for hospital presentations in Australia with 12,000 deaths per year attributable to injuries sustained as a result. Falls and transport related trauma constitute common presentations to hospital for acute care. In addition to mechanism, injury sustained in the rural and remote areas will significantly affect the resultant morbidity and mortality, with these patients having the highest rates of negative outcomes (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2019)

The creation of modular, flexible, multi-disciplinary educational packages and resources, supported by trauma experts and can be accessed and used locally, is aimed at providing high quality and sustainable education for all trauma clinicians across Queensland.

The Queensland Trauma Education (QTE) program provides multidisciplinary trauma care education and resources, all in one place. The resources include ready-made immersive scenarios, case discussions, procedural skills and role plays.

The 11 courses available are: abdominal trauma, burns trauma, chest trauma, pelvic trauma, trauma and the older person, trauma in pregnancy, traumatic brain injury, paediatric trauma, extremity trauma, Imaging trauma, and trauma teams. 

Courses on neck injury, pre-hospital care, spinal trauma, and ward trauma care will be added soon. 

Key dates
Feb 2021
Feb 2023
Implementation sites
CSDS Herston and Ipswich Hospital.
Statewide Trauma Clinical Network, Jamieson Trauma Institute, Clinical Skills Development Service


The goal for QTE is to provide structured, relevant, and best practice education that supports trauma care providers across Queensland to be skilled and responsive to the needs of the injured patient.

Recognising that the educational needs and delivery platforms will differ across Queensland necessitated the creation of resources that are flexible, modular and available to be accessed at any time.

QTE has been designed to be multi-disciplinary and provide clinicians with a range of educational resources reflecting all stages of the patient journey from pre-hospital, emergency department to ward based care.



QTE has created an open access website to support education and learning across Queensland. Through networks involving state-wide representatives including prehospital and hospital clinicians, evidence based best-practice educational packages have been developed for use in the local environment.

Additionally, the website supports other trauma resources with links to clinical guidelines, other educational events and information.

QTE has been delivered in course format locally and in an on-the-road program, in whole day and workshop format. Success of the program has been demonstrated in a train-the-trainer format with further local course delivery.



Following broad consultation with Queensland Health stakeholders, the need for a structured educational platform to help build a skilled and sustainable trauma care workforce across the state became apparent. The common approach of ‘one-size-fits-all’ trauma training and education programs is not an effective approach across the Queensland Hospital and Health Services (HHSs) as each have unique requirements to be able to provide high level trauma care.


Solutions Implemented

The Queensland Trauma Education project has four main components:

1) easy to access education resources for independent learning opportunities

2) flexible modular packages available for delivery in a local context

3) formal course and workshop programs

4) other clinical resources including decision making tools, flowcharts and state-wide trauma guidelines.  


Evaluation and Results

The website has received significant interest with resources frequently downloaded for use in local education delivery.

The courses and workshops delivered to date have had overwhelmingly positive feedback from their multidisciplinary participants.

Lessons Learnt

The development of the program has had significant support from the Queensland Health State-wide Trauma Clinical Network, the Jamieson Trauma Institute and Clinical Skills Development Service which has led to ensuring robust educational content.  

Challenges with COVID have impacted on delivery of course format and limited promotion across Queensland.

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Key contact

Frances Williamson
Staff Specialist
Metro North Health Service

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