Insight stands for “new eyes, enhanced vision”. Metro south values a graduate’s perspective on how we, as an organisation can improve our care delivery and experience. We recognise that our graduates were an untapped potential when it came to innovation and were eager to provide them with a platform to showcase their visions. The insight program is an initiative, establish at Logan Bayside health network, so that all Metro South graduates get to participate in a quality initiative during their first year of practice.
The program was selected for a poster presentation at the Pathway to excellence conference at Florida in April 2019 where it has had strong interest by hospitals in both Florida and Texas. Elsevier has recently been in contact to see how they can collaborate with the insight program. The Insight program commenced in 2017 and is currently in it's 3rd iteration.
The project has successfully navigated healthcare system challenges to deliver change, improvement and innovation in the health service and has presented at the Clinical Excellence Queensland Showcase 2019.