Taking a clinical redesign approach to General Medicine care at Toowoomba Hospital, clinical leaders across Medical, Nursing and Allied Health collaboratively analysed the issues, drilling down to...
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The Townsville Residential Aged Care Nurse Practitioner Service (RAC-NPS) directly bridges a healthcare service gap that exists with our residential aged care system. Our nurse practitioners (NPs...

The Rapid Interdisciplinary Senior Engagement (RISE) model of care enhances access to allied health, nursing, and geriatrician services to rapidly support older residents in the community. RISE...

Older Persons Enablement and Rehabilitation for Complex Health Conditions (OPEN ARCH) is an Australian-first model of care for the community dwelling older person with complex needs. OPEN ARCH...

Established a Telehealth enabled emergency support model for residential aged care facility (RACF) residents in the Mackay HHS region. The model expands the existing Mackay HHS / Telehealth...

Across Queensland’s public health system, teams and individuals work every day to get better health outcomes for their older patients. The Frail Older Persons Project has been established to...

Frailty screening can help identify older people with multiple interacting medical and social problems which create a vulnerability for poor outcomes. This screening identifies people who will...

The Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF) acute care support service (RaSS) model provides care in partnership with general practitioners (GPs) and RACFs to increase patient choice of care...

The Management of acute care needs of RACF residents project provides pathways and practice points to ensure clarity with decision-making to optimise care for residents of aged care facilities....

EAT WALK ENGAGE™ is a multi-disciplinary program that improves care for older people in hospital, prevents delirium and promotes faster recovery. EAT WALK ENGAGE™ supports hospitals to be older-...
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Develop and implement a clinical standard for cardiac rehabilitation (CR) services to ensure standardized evidence-based content informs the delivery of Queensland Health CR...
“Keep Your Move in the Tube” (KMIT®) is an evidence-based strategy, developed for patients following cardiac surgery via sternotomy. It imposes no load or time restrictions but...
The Precision Triage Project, a collaboration between Griffith University and Gold Coast University Hospital, uses the Tracking Cube, a digital system co-designed with a First...
Previous evaluations acknowledge that consumers are often not aware or are unable to advocate for telehealth as part of their healthcare journey. To address this, a multi-stage...
Prolonged waiting times are a common source of patient dissatisfaction and complaints. As most Emergency Department (ED) patients are discharged from ED, the time required for...