The Townsville Residential Aged Care Nurse Practitioner Service (RAC-NPS) directly bridges a healthcare service gap that exists with our residential aged care system. Our nurse practitioners (NPs) reduce the need for emergency care and hospital admissions by working with residents, their general practitioners (GPs), residential aged care facility (RACF) staff, and hospital specialties to ensure people get the right care in their home. We enhance patient experience and health outcomes; and support GPs and care staff in the service they provide, also addressing directly some of the barriers to workforce attraction and retention.
The same NP works consistently within designated RACFs to develop professional relationships with staff, residents and their GPs. They deliver timely, high-level care that meets subacute, end of life, and post discharge transition needs within the home. The NP scope of practice compliments what can be offered by other services (including emergency in reach) without duplication. RAC-NPS has a philosophy of relationship-centred care: i.e. supporting the relationship between the consumer and their GP, therefore the NP is not the principal primary care provider for residents. The NP coordinates and communicates each occasion of service not only with the RACF but also with the residents GP.
This service has a strong workforce development component by always employing a NP candidate (NPC) and delivering an education program for RACF staff within the region, whether or not they work at a participating facility. Not only can this provide Clinician Professional Development (CPD) hours to meet registration needs but locally lead aged care specific training will enhance face to face engagement, target identified need, break down perceived barriers to healthcare provision in aged care, and support sustainable workforce growth and retention.
Less than six months into a five-year staged rollout, with only two NPs, we achieved a 16% reduction in Emergency Department (ED) presentation and a 15% reduction in re-admissions from participating RACFs to Townsville University Hospital.