Young people attending MYAHCB can access programs such as a young adult support unit (mental health service), day program, vocational training and legal clinic. Young people have been involved in planning, design and commissioning the Centre through Mater Youth Consultancy. MYAHCB has a dedicated grand round and research program and has 5 active research projects underway. It will be offering Young Adult medical student rotations next year.
Mater Young Adult Health Centre Brisbane (MYAHCB)
To provide clinical services for young adults which include a dedicated medical / surgical ward, outpatient department, Clarence Street (Statewide Drug and Alcohol programs), Mater Family and Youth Counselling Service (young offender program).
Provides young adult health, particularly around transition from paediatric care an area of unmet need.
Mater young Adult Health Centre Brisbane (MYAHCB) has been developed to meet the unique needs of young adults.
Evaluation and Results
MYAHCB has been operational for 2 years and is now delivering a range of clinical services to young adults. The Centre is sustainable and has been able to establish partnerships to fund research, develop programs and provide services outside of traditional health funding. The centre has been showcased by the Health Round Table and has had a number of visits from other services interested in developing similar models.
Lessons Learnt
Clinical redesign and partnerships lead to innovative models of care.