Statewide Retcam Network

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Going from the warm, low-stimuli environment of the uterus to the bright, loud and vibrant world is a drastic change for newborns. However, when they are pre-term, it can also prove to be sight-threatening.

Retinopathy of Prematurity—or ROP—can occur in babies who are born early or weigh less than three pounds at birth. It causes abnormal blood vessels to grow in the retina, which can cause scarring that ultimately turns sight-threatening.

While a scary prognosis, ROP is highly treatable and thanks to the work of Dr Shuan Dai and the team at Queensland Children’s Hospital, they are expediting diagnosis and treatment for our littlest Queenslanders.

There are many Retcam devices across the state which are used to diagnose ROP, however Dr Dai saw a way to enhance support to smaller regional facilities to improve access to specialist consults via telehealth.

By networking the devices, this game changing partnership with places like Townsville Hospital and Health Service drastically expedites access to treatment and reduces the need to transfer babies and their families to other facilities. Saving money and sight in the process!



Listen to our podcast on the innovative statewide Retcam network model treating quickly, and most importantly safely, without needing to travel.

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Improvement Exchange

Improvement Exchange

Visit the statewide Retcam network page on the improvement exchange to learn more.

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Shatter the Stigma

Specialist Online Advice for ROP

Learn about how Children’s Health Queensland is using the statewide Retcam network model.

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darling downs health

Research article

View the Retinopathy of prematurity screening: A narrative review of current programs, teleophthalmology, and diagnostic support systems

View research article

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Clinical Excellence Queensland

CEQ are a trusted source for healthcare improvements and identifying innovations that could change care delivery. We lead and implement transformative improvements to the biggest healthcare challenges facing Queensland.
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